Despite our best efforts, sometimes a site that you own may need to be abandoned for a period of time. Abandoned buildings are prime targets for criminals, vandals, squatters, and other anti-social behavior.
This may leave you wondering what you can do to keep your abandoned site secure. Well, you’ve to the right place. Keep reading to learn about how to protect your secure site.
Mobile Security Patrols
One of the best steps that you can take is to have regular patrols of your site. Security personnel will be able to look for signs of trespassers and check if any of your security measures have been tampered with. Furthermore, they will be able to remove anyone who may be on your site illegally.
If you’re uncertain where to feed the staff for this, contact a London facilities management company. They will be able to provide the highly trained staff that you need to keep your abandoned site secure.
Motion Detectors and CCTV
In between patrols, you still need to keep an eye on your premises. This is where CCTV, alarms, and motion detectors can help. CCTV can help you to monitor the interior of your site, and spot people who may be scouting out your site. Alarms and motion detectors will alert you should someone try to enter your premises.
Keep up Appearances
Just because your site is abandoned, this doesn’t mean that it needs to look this way. In fact, keeping your property well kept will stop it from looking abandoned and make it look less attractive to criminals.
If you hire a facilities management to provide security staff, they can also help to maintain your site. If there are any plants or garden beds, they can keep them clean and tidy. They can also remove any rubbish or trash that may accumulate.
Put up Signage
Signs are simple, affordable, and effective. These signs will notify potential criminals that they are taking a greater risk should they try to enter your site illegally.
Barriers and Fencing
Putting a barrier or fence is another effective step that you can take to protect your abandoned site. Physical barriers will deter criminals and give you an extra layer of protection.
Secure Doors and Windows
Another important step that you can take is to secure any and all points of entry. Start by adding new locks to all doors and accessible windows. Next, if you feel it’s necessary, you can reinforce these entry points by boarding them up.
There are plenty of simple steps that you can take to secure your abandoned site and protect it from criminal activity.